Welcome to Ambercream Avenue

Warning!Though the colors might look bright and bring some kind of citrus delight, the content of this program isTV:M-A-L-S-V.(That's code for ADULTS ONLY, kids.)Are you 18+?


Who's got your interest?

The cast as of Episode 2!

[ Some of the profiles might be a bit oudated in the art department, working on it!! ]

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Height: 5'1"Age: 29Role / Position: Verse / Switch but prefers to bottomLikes: Scarves, Seafood, Normal hugs.Dislikes: Violence, Loud noises, The color red.About: Even though he hits like a truck, this poor guy's emotional state is paper thin.He's been more or less pushed into the MMA circuit simply because of his strength. It works and it pays for him, though it can get a little stressful if not overwhelming; and he obviously doesn't handle stress well as is.Bludo Beryl's got a good heart and just wants to make people happy or entertain 'em. Be nice to him, would ya?♥ He doesn't want to call it body worship, but, like...


Height: 3'0"Age: 48Role / Position: Really prefers to bottom*Likes: Exercise, (weird, right?), Movies, Soda.Dislikes: Beets, His tooth-gap, Meatheads, Talking about his age.About: Shepherd Clemmens is a small, kind man who doesn't lead all that complicated of a life. He's usually seen frequenting the gym or hanging around Shane and Ezey joining whatever they're doing. Yes, even when it's doing eachother.He may or may not have a particular vice for a certain kind of sugary drink, but that's no issue; definitely doesn't seem like it's impacting Shep's gains all that much. Look at those guns! Also a very big fan of movies and things of the like, just goes hand-in-hand with his soda addiction.♥ "Playing a different role or just acting like someone else just sounds fun, that's all!"

*that is, if he's not being someone else


Height: 4'0"Age: ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©Role / Position: (Probably a top? Maybe? Dominant at least?)Likes: Dark red colors, Long heavy objects (haha), TV's, Slinkies, The Elderly.Dislikes: Pink, Holidays, Guns, Your vase, The Elderly.About: Benny McBride is....Look.
This foul little brute is trouble.
The story is that he was intended to be a children's playtoy who would say things as sweet as sugar, and a couple of rotten hands went at his newfangled, experimental AI some years back and made what you see here. There's no sending him back, factory's closed and the two idiots who corrupted him were his first scores!As goofy and small as he might be, he's seen and done more than enough to scare you right outta your socks. Make sure you watch your back around town.and in your house.♥ It'd be real shocking if a robot who doesn't even know what sex is had a kink, wouldn't it?


Height: 6'6"Age: 33Role / Position: Apex Switch. Usually some kind of dominant though.Likes: Fashion, Late-night, Plans and hangouts, the color of your underwear.Dislikes: Rancid vibes, Being told what to wear, Cucumbers.About: "Ezey" Stone's just your chill guy, your vibe buddy, the one who's gonna walk out to the nearest McD's at 3am with you while bumping the softest jam on his phone. Generally real open to a lot and just exists as he wants so long as everyone's having fun and vibing together, Ezey's down.Gotta say, always got something interesting on, look at those shoes.♥ Tail's kinda long. Just makes ya kinda wanna yank on it, right?


Height: 4'4"Age: 22Role / Position: Proud top, prefers to be dominant but can be powerbottomed into subbing. It's a fight!Likes: Donuts (the food, calm down.), Pink, Big guys, Fighting Games- specifically tag games.Dislikes: Trend Donuts, Brooding/Moody attitudes, Blazblue.About: Shane P. Skippy is a hyperactive little man pretty much bursting with bright colors and energy. He's got a real knack and love for fighting games, nothing gets his blood pumping and mind blazing more than a good set with an opponent equal to or greater than his skill...Well... there is also the fact that he simply cannot resist shooting his shot at guys taller than him in chances that they'll let him show what this corgi can do at their tail end.♥ You think he slapped your chaps during that game of 3S, just wait until you accept his offer to meet him in the bedroom.


Height: 4'0"Age: ➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨Role / Position: (We really don't know. Likely sub though.)Likes: Shiny things, Noises in multiples of 5, Being held and/or thrown, Honeydew.Dislikes: Locked doors, Sharp objects, Authority.About: Sticky hands, fast feet, and an odd knack for agility and mobility. Wonder what's got this weird little fella so ready to grab and dash. Oh wait, it's probably because he was ripped straight out of an old GBA game and brought into reality. How? We don't know! Just make sure you watch your stuff when he's around, and MAYBE have some honeydew on hand just to be nice. A pat couldn't hurt either.Say "↑↑↓←←" to Boj!♥ Y'know that funny feeling you get when something wet runs across ya? Weird, right?


Height: 6'4"
Height: 4'5"
Age: 23
Age: 25
Role / Position: Switch, usually dom.
Role / Position: Switch, usually sub.
Likes: His best friend Odin, Programming, Posing, Using his power to be dramatic, Competition.
Likes: His best friend Jeffer, Using his power to get a reaction out of people, Merch clothing, Competition.
Dislikes: The Genesis Soundchip, Eminem
Dislikes: The Snes Soundchip, Eminem
About: Jeffer and Odin, or more famously, the "J.O. Crystals" are lifelong pals committed to the two-piece parody band they have. Expect to be listening to a fairly well crafted jam only to be sidelined by Bingo Was His Name-o; and still enjoy the groove. Imagine your favorite song but in CPS3 format. God forbid they say 'fuck it' and just play a soundboard of them nutting over the backbeat of All Star. Despite the inherent comedy of it all, they actually manage to sell tickets. Don't mind the allusions to their powers, not important.♥ Their music is pretty overwhelming at times, like just a bunch of sensations and feeling at once. Kinda stimulating to an overflowing degree, right?


Height: 5'2"Age: 39Role / Position: Will profess to topping and being dominant, but can easily be seduced into bottoming and being dominated.Likes: Shiny things, Cash, Nice houses, Cologne.Dislikes: Jail, Alleyways, Violence.About: Now this is a guy who's super close to doing some time whenever he's left to roam around unsupervised.This is Ricky "Skrill" (Real last name being Prawn), a skeevy scammer of a shrimpman who wants nothing more than to live the high life with some quick and dirty schemes. Can't blame him; but he isn't exactly the smartest or luckiest. He's been in a bad situation more than a few times, but despite having awful luck with making his plans go right, he thankfully hasn't gotten stuck with a business end of a butterfly knife quite yet.Word around the neighborhood is he's got someone who bails him out of REAL bad pits here and there, but that's for the two of them to know about and you to (hopefully) never piece together.♥ Sometimes you're in a dicey situation with a bunch of guys in an alleyway getting their grubby mitts all over you, grabbing and squeezing what they want. Didn't say it was BAD..just.. happens.


Height: 4'5"Age: 50Role / Position: Switch, usually bottoms, always dominant.Likes: Cash, Expensive drinks, Silk, Luxury Cigars, Fancy cars.Dislikes: Lemons, Cocky broke punks, The fact that he can't re-gum his ear.About: over 100k in the bank and over 100 fellas in his bed, This little snack has some formidable sway."Mister Honey" is a high fructose bajillionaire who runs and features in an oddball men's club by the name of 'The Honeypot', as well as many other establishments and events around the neighborhood. Guess you could say he's got his fingers in a lot of pots. This crass, walking, talking candy bear leads a life of lust and luxury, and you may or may not be invited."Yer real cute. Here's a five*, getcherself somethin' nice."*"five" meaning $500, of course.♥ "Nice face you got there, looks comfy."


Height: 8'4"
Height: 5'1"
Age: ?? (Adult, clearly)
Age: 20
Role / Position: Wants to bottom, made to Top.
Role / Position: Bottom, won't admit it outright.
Likes: His job, Glossy red cars, Fancy bottles, "Ritzy restaurants", Romance flicks.
Likes: Shooter games, Loud music, Tattoos, Piercings, a guy, Anime
Dislikes: Bullies, CEO's, Switchblades, Parks.
Dislikes: Quiet places, "Feelings", Bunnies, Fighting games.
About: Dean "Karma" Moretti's a ghostly being with an untold past tasked with righting the wrongs of those still walking on the soil, making sure every bad apple gets his comeuppance. Buellard "Bull" Stills was (and kind of still is) a rotten jackass of a guy who wants nothing more than to wreck stuff and stew rage in everyone.Now, a significant time after the events of "Karma And The Bully", Bull had calmed down somewhat and come to accept some things he'd pondered about himself; adversely, Karma has been unable to part from him, lingering around as he feels as if something is 'unresolved'. The two are now essentially joined at the hip and resume life more or less as normal; Karma getting to experience the modern day and Bull having a burly ghost attached to him.♥ Y'know, you spend so much time practically stuffing a kielbasa into a bunch of balloons; kinda makes you wonder how it feels.♥ "Dude, i don't know what it was but that one time i was in a fight and this fucking dude grabbed me by the hair i....i fucking...i popped a..."


Height: 5'0"Age: We genuinely do not know.Role / Position: (Likely bottoms? Switch? Dominant until dominated though.)Likes: Firearms, Explosions, Bright colors, Carrots, Marshmallows, Roughhousing, Hugs.Dislikes: Blood, Other weapons entirely, Dark Rooms, Meat.About: Give a warm, fluffy, but firm welcome to Wabby Twinkles.This maniacal unit of a bunny seemingly came out of nowhere and with an affinity for ranged weaponry, roughhousing, and explosions. Totally wigs out at the sight of the red stuff though. He resides in forests and around the park, either blowing stuff up and combat rolling around around in the grass or lying in wait in the bushes, watching people to learn new things.♥ Why be stuck in a hut when there's all this free space out here!


Height: 4'3"Age: 26Role / Position: Bottom, will punch you if you ask him to swap positions. Sub or Dom depends; really wants you to make him sub, though.Likes: The smell of the ocean, Sounds of creaking wood, Tall and Rugged men, His job, Mozzarella.Dislikes: High-class establishments, Slackers, The smell of hairspray, Cheddar.About: Mickey "Micerat" McGee! This little bugger can be seen around the port quickly working on and repairing incoming and outgoing ships, loudly cheering when he sees one of the beautes set off to sail along or gasping when one arrives; But when he isn't busy hammering a nail, he might as well be a nail himself. Yeah, he's got a reputation of being the crew's little 'stress reliever' and he's all for it. I mean hey, that hankey on his arm is deliberate!♥ "Oh, so you're a tough lad, eh? C'mon, let's roughhouse."


Height: 6'9"Age: 29Role / Position: Doesn't care, just make sure he finishes.Likes: The irony in his name and his current status, Normal clothes, Uh, smoking i guess?, Actually creative jokes.Dislikes: People, His Job, His "work outfit", The irony in his name and his current status, Rich people, Stardom, The stares, The questions; A lot of things.About: This grouchy dog is a special one indeed; after an unfortunate accident happened when he and his an old friend toyed around with the taboo world of transformation, he found himself stuck as what you see before you: a hot dog, frankfurter, a frank, a wiener, a weenie, a coney, a red hot!Nowadays he tours around with an entire PR crew to essentially do TED talks about how you should never toy around with or even think about getting into transformation, unless you want to end up living like he does. He's basically set money-wise with it, but with all the daily puns and @'s on his socials bothering him about how his life is and making gags about his current status, it's no wonder the guy's such a buzzkill.All the money and fame in the world, but cursed to be a hotdog.♥ Honestly? Just wants to be treated like a normal guy.


Height: 6'4"Age: 22Role / Position: Switch, usually just goes with what the other guy wants. Usually.Likes: Old Sega games- especially Golden Axe, Fantasy themes, Cats.Dislikes: Most modern games, Sonic The Hedgehog, Bullies.About: Higgs is more-or-less your "usual nerd"; Super into games, especially those circled around fantasy and medieval stuff. He's super particular about his interests, however; as he swears off almost any modern kind of game due to just how bad and predatory they all seem to be; but that usually goes in one ear out the other to whoever he's discussing it with. Another thing to note is his immense fascination with classic sega consoles, games, and aesthetics. He's also known to be quite the cynic, often times rather abrasive when people start getting a little too friendly out of the blue. Other than that, he's a fairly fun guy. Well, until he starts getting frustrated; at least.Admittedly, his rage can be a little funny.♥ "Okay like. It's. On my back. Lower....uh..lower..too low, a bit higher..right above the-....WAIT- Right..Right there."


Height: 5'7"
Height: 6'9"
Age: 45
Age: 40
Role / Position: Depends on their star, will take whatever position needed for the film.
Role / Position: Tops 99.9% of the time, but will rarely bend if the film and star truly calls for it.
Likes: Men, Scouting new talent, The sound of someone being catered and cared for.
Likes: Men, Scouting new talent, The sound of someone being pleasured out of their mind.
Dislikes: Leaving their star feeling sour, Making a bad impression.
Dislikes: Leaving their star feeling sour, Appearing too straight-forward before their Star is putty in their hands.
About: Manny and G are two fairly recognized movie makers working in the adult film industry, usually riding around in a decked out violet lowrider and peering around for their next star. They like taking in all kinds of men for recording: Thin, Short, Buff, Tall, Big; You name it.They'll roll up to you and butter you up a little bit with a proposition and your favorite drink in hopes of gettin' you to show yourself off a lil bit at their studio; but no sweat, if you aren't down, they aren't down.Besides, legend has it they've learned how to smell interest in someone before they even make contact.♥ If you haven't made a white hot mess all over their suits did they REALLY do their job?


Height: 7'0"Age: 27Role / Position: Powerbottom, Dominant. Reluctantly tops, and very reluctantly allows someone to outright top him.Likes: Quiet spaces, In-depth conversation, The arts, Writing, Flustering people (but don't tell anybody about that one).Dislikes: Chaos, Noise, Feral insects, Shane.About: Stoic, Quiet, And always analyzing.Gulley Beaufort is likely the class favorite, but favors next to none himself. It's not that he's a mean or spiteful man, it's just that he only pursues that which interests him, and such things are few and far between. He's a well-established writer who often dabbles in the existential, the macabe, the introspective, and ocassionally the erotic; but it tends to go straight out of the window as soon as someone lays eyes on him. Ah, the curse of being born stacked.Or, rather; having a very productive work-out regimen. Wonder who else has something like that.♥ As a creative, one would usually abhor having any kind of restraints on them and their craft...however...



Height: 4'5"Age: ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒Ⓐ⇓⇘⇒ⒶRole / Position: Dominant, Switch.Likes: Rigorous work ethic, Honesty, Resilience, Discovering new techniques, Challenges.Dislikes: Wasting his time, Bravado, Firearms, Swords.About: Stemming off of Boj, this is a character of his same development studio; often thought to quite literally be related to him due to the similarities.Despite the awful sales, his game 'Rivals Ablaze', has gained a cult following.But about him-Oyaji Shotokan, affectionately shortened to 'Grandpa Shotes' is an (almost) no-nonsense man who seemingly has no funny bone in his body; stern, stoic, and always ready to get physical for the sake of further training his body to be the best it can despite his age. He carries a power of unknown origin, some say that he acquired it simply through training and willpower.Underneath the threatening looks and dangerous tendencies, he's actually very, very prone to cheap humor and crass behavior when comfortable; or you just need to get lucky enough.



Height: 4'0"Age: 33Role / Position: Has only experienced being a top, maybe you can sway him otherwise.Likes: His name, Signs, Flashy moves, Winning, Bludo, Seafood, ....Cashews.Dislikes: His ACTUAL name, Sharing, Losing, Bludo, The fact that you don't have a fancam of him.About: Soon to be rival of Bludo, "Fuzza" is a fairly polarizing wrestler known for his boisterous personality and antics he undergoes to become popular and well known. Almost nothing is off-limits for this attention hog.



Height: 4'2"Age: 25Role / Position: Isn't too sure himself, but willing to try whatever.Likes: Collectibles, Novelty clothing, Doing nothing, being called 'Nelly' instead.Dislikes: Suits, Corporate environments, "How old are you?", The full of his 'popular' name.About: Appearances first would lend many to believe that this is a relative or at least friend of Bosty's, but the two have actually never met! While Bosty's seated down in the USA, "Cornelius" is comfortably seated in Canada. Despite the similiar looks/situations, Nelly's actually managed to get the better end of the stick; Instead doing just a few country-famed commercials and now sitting comfortably with his royalties as opposed to Bosty's seemingly never-ending sludge through presentations and seminars.He makes new appearances every now and again, but otherwise can be found at his nice house with a ton of interesting little collectibles like keychains, plushies, stickers, etc.



Height: 3'0"Age: ??Role / Position: ??Likes: ??Dislikes: ??About: Who is this scarved savior?! He's been seen zipping around the city at what could only be described as light speed, be it through the alleys or over the rooftops.Whoever he is, we're lucky that he's on our side and is here to save those in trouble. Some say one of the guys here have had personal contact with the hero before falling into a deeply unfortunate situation, but who?!So much mystery...

The order of and the structure of some of these are outdated! Have fun pondering!Ezey And Shep - Know your role
Dolts and Ricky - Steamed Shrimp
Dolts and Mr.Honey - Unique Showing
Dolts and J.O. - Finally understanding
Taeshawn and Harvey - Restocking
Mr.Honey and Ricky - Bail funds
Shane, Ezey, and Bludo - Superfans
Bosty and Mr.Honey - New job proposition
Barnes and Micerat- Ahoy Matey
J.O. and Manny/G- Double Feature
Shane and Barnes - Themed Night
Shane and Higgs - Bet you cant beat him when i do THIS
J.O. - Winner's prize
Operator H - (Supertease action), Shrimp Rescue
Bull and Wabby - Untapped Potential


The Dolts are what the three of these goobers are referred to as a unit. They are all varying kinds of unaware of a lot of things in normal civilized life due to their otherworldy or outright artificial origins and tend to get into a lot of hijinks.Despite their differences, they've managed to band together as close friends and practically aren't seen without one-another.Another fact of note is that despite wandering around a space such as this one and being adults, they don't know nary a thing about sex, nor what the whole hubbub is; despite engaging in it at least more times than a single hand can count. Definitely doesn't stop them from getting close or having certain thoughts amongst themselves though.

Fourth image is credited to @Palomine on twitter. Their art is great, check them out.Fifth image is credited to @Cherryguyontop on twitter. Their art is also amazing!


(psst, open image in new tab to see full!)

Karma And The Bully


Take pause for a moment, viewer.You're about to go to the page to view "Karma And The Bully". I feel it's only fair to warn you that the comic featuresrough sex and disconcerting themes
that do not reflect how this program presents itself nor will be carrying itself now or into the future.
I created this multiple years ago and now have a better grip on how to navigate and handle my content, namely not doing anything as potentially extreme as this was ever again.I keep it around as my first comic work and background for these characters.Please heed this warning/heads-up before proceeding,
i do not wish to put people through uncomfortable content if they are not wanting nor feeling up to seeing it.

Hey there, viewer!

Now i know what you're thinking,"What would you need a list like that for with a program like this?"Well, despite all the inviting colors and wacky faces, there are some moments where some other hues make way onto the screen. I'm making this list just to keep you informed of what you could be exposed to in the future!

"Ambercream Avenue" may feature depictions of:

  • Violence

  • Blood

  • Murder

  • Substance abuse

  • Excessive strong language

  • Dark / Crude Humor (Take our solemn promise never to delve into "Drawn Together" levels of offensive humor, though.)

  • Depression

  • Coercion

  • Drama

  • Horror

  • The "F" Slur🌈

Hiya, creator here. You can call me PG. 23 as of the time of writing.
I'm not totally sure what to say about myself at this point in time?I'm sure at least a good portion of you already know, but i've been doing art online for a good while now (most of it being adult oriented) and i figured after so long and so much bonafide experience i might as well try to make something for and from my self.I won't go as far as to say that Ambercream Avenue is the culmination of my life's work or my biggest aspiration, but it is something i've grown passionate about and eager to share with everyone. I've been planning around it and thinking about it for quite some time now, maybe 2-3 years at this point; and even then i don't have everything 100% strictly planned out! It's entirely likely that the text on this page may change to be a bit more professional or have a more clear point, but for now? What ya see is what ya get. I hope you enjoy what i've got in store!

Also, at the risk of being a bit honest and vulnerable, i would like to say that despite this project being heavy with sexual themes if not outright sexual intercourse as well as featuring a majority furry cast; i sincerely ask that you do not come at me or it with any extreme fetishes.* I am easily made very uncomfortable with things of the sort and will not respond nor appreciate it. The same will likely go for profiles, accounts, and persons who tag or send me any potential fanart. I apologize in advance.

*such as: feederism/weight gain, incest, bathroom play, vore, diapers, and other such things of the same ilk.